terbang tinggi2

الله غياتنا
الرسول قدوتنا
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الموت في سبيل الله اسمى أماننا

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

two phrases :-)

there are two phrases
which are beloved of the Most Merciful,
light on the tongue,
yet heavy on the scales (of reward):

glory be to Allah and all praise to Him,
glory be to Allah, the Mighty.

1 comment:

TheDreamer said...

I love hearing from Talib Al-Habib also.
Once I used one of his songs during a presentation for graduation. And to my suprise, one of the lecturer said, he felt in awe and such at peace when he heard it. Even though he didnt understand it.

I ended up giving him the whole album.

May Allah give him hidaya soon iA.