invitation from our parents. :-) (click here)
and dis is from me.. hehe
to all my friends, schoolmates, buddies, etc. : you are cordially invited! =D

a short story (click here) about these 3 siblings upon their marriage, credit to uda! :-)
to make it crystal clear and clean&clear to everybody, jana here refers to my luvly sis (janatunnaim), and yes! it isn't my wedding.. ;-)
i am using this chance to meet up beloved family members and friends since i'll be in msia for a precious two weeks (2.7-14.7)
c ya there! :D
marhaban paham dah...
tp y يسلموووو tu pe dia?
salam ek? hehe
ما فهمت
la afham..
ooo... hahaha okay2..igtkan janatun yg kawen. hihi..
janatun jugak y kawen..
tp janatunnaim, bukan janatunaliyah.. hehe =p
janatung! huh, nak tergugur jantung aku. rupenye kakak ko ke. btw mabrook, kalau dah sampai seru jangan la bagi tekejut2 ek.
gile lama xmendengar khabar berita mu..
aku dah lama berangan nak g jordan ni..doakan aku di murahkan rezki ye. =)
sume org pon xcaya weh kalo aku y kawen.. haha =P
hehe. I got the invitation via facebook sometime back, but I asummed u were going to get married. Haha.
Pe lagi Janna, make it 4 brides skali r.
salam yeh
haha.. buleh je ak join skali.
tp kang xmuat pelamin.
so, kne la bg diorg jalan dlu.. hehe =D
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