terbang tinggi2

الله غياتنا
الرسول قدوتنا
القران دستورنا
الجهاد سبيلنا

الموت في سبيل الله اسمى أماننا

Sunday, July 26, 2009

the weekend

the subsequent invoice

the arrival

the mee bandung

the book

the sushi

the fried banana

the currypuff

the ice age

the kite runner

the karaoke-ing

the ice cream

the farewell

am home

tomorrow : work!


bado said...

mana the supposedly Legoland?
mana the supposedly BBQ in Augsburg?
kecewa aku...

syurga tinggi _(o'.'o)_ said...

jgn la majuk, radin.
gula2 nak?
haha :p