but still have the feeling that it is not enough for the coming 10months, before going back to malaysia again.. haisshhh, have to overcome the 'greedisomeness' inside myself! =(
click here to read a related article. moga bermanfaat =)
الله غياتنا
الرسول قدوتنا
القران دستورنا
الجهاد سبيلنا
الموت في سبيل الله اسمى أماننا
mee sedap takde?
lom check.. ade kot.. hehe =P
wahhh..meriahnye..u mmg greedy!!blom ape2 g dh pk lg 10bln nye mknn..hehe
hehe.. biase la.. plg penting, pakcik brahim kene ade.. haha =p
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